
Making Kaylee Shiny

This is the online record of the rebuild, and restoration of my 1976 Honda CB550 F named Kaylee. She is my first motorcycle, and I decided to keep this blog, with the help of an iChat webcam. I will be adding pictures and video as well. Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

I see the light at the end of the tunnel, or rather, I don't...

Lots of electrical stuff to talk about, firstly, I finished the rewire of the bike, and everything is working again, everything that is except for the headlight and tail light... The tail light will light up if i hit the brakes, but it has no running light (the dimmer light in the tail so people can see you at night) hmm.... so yes boys and girls, the means that my new fuse set up works!!!

To the left is a picture of the old fuse box (see how its made to use tube like fuses?) then to the upper left the new fuse set up that I made earlier today, like I said before it's three separate fuses in watertight and shockproof cases, and they use the square fuses you can find in all cars. Then the last picture is of the wires that I had to deal with for the past few days, finally got them straight, and believe it or not, but that is a picture of AFTER I had them organized haha. Now to oust the ghost from my lights....


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