
Making Kaylee Shiny

This is the online record of the rebuild, and restoration of my 1976 Honda CB550 F named Kaylee. She is my first motorcycle, and I decided to keep this blog, with the help of an iChat webcam. I will be adding pictures and video as well. Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Safety gear

So I already got this awesome helmet the other day, it can withstand a point-blank shot with a shotgun. Its normally 450 bucks but the guy at the hinda place hooked me up for only 100! its full-faced and it can lift up in the front to expose my face so i can dink water or adjust my sunglasses or pick my nose, whatever.

I just found these on the internet, I remember reading about them in popular mechanics when I was like 14, seem like pretty cool safety gear, as soon as I can find 800 bucks to spend.... heres the link Airbag Jackets


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you can make that link active by adding < a href="website" >name of website < /a > without the spaces of course

just in case you care

1:57 AM  
Blogger ayrity said...

it took me like half an hour to figure out that where it says "name of website" doesnt mean type in the address but words that you want the link to be called.... i hate html

2:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi from HIT AIR Australia (airbag motorcycle jackets): Thanks for the reference and link to us! Best wishes to you all.

9:30 AM  

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