So I put the cleaned and reassembled carbs and petcock back on the bike, didnt have time to get a new gasket for the petcock, but the leaking is at a min so I thought i'd try. The engine wouldnt fire up but for a few sputters! after a bit of fiddling, it sounded like the engine was starved for gas, so i thought maybe the petcock was still the problem, left the tank in the ON position for a few hours to fill the carb bowls, just got back from a 5 min test drive! that was def the problem. Ill get the new gasket soon and rebuild the petcock once more, probably check/replace the spark plugs too.
The only other thing was it seemed to be idling erratically, almost dead one min, then up to 3k the next, so ill see what that might be tomorrow as well.